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A creativeapproachto Bullying

Through a transformative, fun, and emotionally intelligent Workshop!


About the Founder

Hello, I am Mike Fana, creator of The Anatoliah Workshop. I was born in Latin America and was raised near Boston, Massachusetts, where my childhood was marked by significant language and cultural obstacles that unfortunately made me a target for bullying during elementary and early middle school. Despite these challenges, I found crucial support and mentorship from Mr. Sokolov, the Music Director at Lynn Classical High School.

It was Mr. Sokolov who encouraged me to apply to Berklee College of Music, an experience that profoundly influenced the creation of Anatoliah.

In 2012, after a decade in Corporate America, I made the decision to pursue my passion. I embarked on a nationwide journey to share the three key lessons that helped me overcome bullying. From the tranquil hills of Newport, Maine, to the bustling city of Selena, California, I have had the privilege of empowering thousands of students and parents.

My dedication to fostering emotionally intelligent leaders continues to drive my efforts forward with unwavering commitment.

Anatoliah In Action
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In what areas can my workshop help?

Building self-confidence
Managing emotions

making better decisions 

Focusing on what matters

Goal setting

Never giving up
Peer-to-peer support
Social media pressure

What I stand for?

I believe every student in America has the potential to become an emotionally intelligent leader. I aim to inspire students to gain the confidence to set powerful goals and support each other along the way.

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